22 December - Myn Lyking

Yesterday - Up - Tomorrow

Another carol out of Carols for Choirs Volume 2, from my childhood. The text is from the start of the transition between Middle and Early Modern English - still quite understandable if pronounced in most modern accents, and readable with a running start.

Music: R. R. Terry
Words: 15th-century English
Musicians: Kathleen Jowitt, Tony Evershed

I saw a fair mayden sytten and sing.
She lulled a lyttel childe, a sweete Lording.

Lullay myn lyking, my dere sonne, my sweeting.
Lullay my dere herte, myn own dere derling.

That same Lord is he that made alle thing;
Of alle lordis he is Lord, of alle kynges Kyng.


There was mickle melody at that chylde's birth.
All that were in heav'nly bliss, they made mickle mirth.


Angels bright sang their song to that chyld;
Blyssid be thou, and so be she, so meek and so mild.

Lullay myn lyking, my dere sonne, my sweeting.
Lullay my dere herte, myn own dere derling.